
Welcome to the visa-free territory of Grodno and recreation park “Augustow Canal”!

Visa-free stay in Republic of Belarus with Grantour is:

Group and individual

sightseeing tours

Best hotels and

restaurants of Grodno

Up to 5 days

of comfortable

stay without visa

Transport services

for tourist groups

Prompt execution

of all documents

needed for visa-free entry

Explore Grodno with Grantour!

We offer:
4 sightseeing tour

thematic tours of your choice!

April, 29 – May, 1. XIII International bike festival “Havaisya u bulbu – 2017”. Competitions in the art of motorcycle driving and tuning, and rock concerts, are held. Bikers from Belarus, Austria, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, France and other countries take part in the fest. Location: Grodno region, recreation park “Kupalinka”.

May, 6-7. Slavic martial arts festival. You will see best clubs, practicing Slavic martial arts, as well as the teams of close fighting of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Belarus. Location: Grodno.

April, 7. Big Grodno fair. A fair, where different elements of cultural heritage are introduced. Location: Grodno, Sovietskaya str.

Visa-free zone and Grodno sights

Find us at:

Grodno, 24 Zakcharova str.,

Shopping center “Lira”,

office 204

+ 375 33 600 27 27

+ 375 33 685 23 23

Your vacation starts with visit to our company!

For visa-free entry to the territory of Republic of Belarus foreign tourists need to have:

  • - valid passport or other document it replacing;
  • - certificate of insurance;
  • - visa-free territory entry permit.

For more legal information please refer to the following documents:

УКАЗ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ от 23 августа 2016 г. № 318 Об установлении безвизового порядка въезда и выезда иностранных граждан


ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ О порядке посещения иностранными гражданами специального туристско-рекреационного парка ”Августовский канал“ и прилегающих к нему территорий


ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ от 4 января 2010 г. № 105-З О правовом положении иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства в Республике Беларусь


ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ СОВЕТА МИНИСТРОВ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ от 20 января 2006 г. № 73 Об утверждении Правил пребывания иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства в Республике Беларусь


Visa-free entry permit application